Thursday, January 13, 2011

Motivation still high.

I am still plugging away, it just takes time to build a great body. I am taking my 3 month measurements and pics tonight, so I will have new updates soon. I have noticed a pretty good change in my body so far. The changes do not show up so much in pics, but then again I have not taken any pics flexed. So I will start doing that tonight.
I am still totally into this lifestyle, I love how I feel and I love how I am starting to look. I know even better changes are on the way I just have to have patience.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New year, new me.

Well here we are in 2011. I am well on the way to the new me, but I am really looking forward to seeing the changes my body and I will be making over the next year. I am dedicating 2011 to transforming my body and to never looking back.
I have the dedication, over the last 3 months now I have proved that, so I know this will not just be a new years resolution that lasts a couple of weeks like the average Americans does. This is my new way of life and I love it. More to come soon. I will be posting more progress pics after my 6 month point so there will be very good noticeable gains.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Training update

Sorry it has been a while since I posted last. I am not going to try to catch up I am just going to start again from this point. I have been very successful in my diet plan and workouts. I am down 12 pounds overall, and have noticeable gains in muscle mass. I still have a long ways to go, but I am doing great and am still plugging away.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Chest and arms day, feel kind of tired out.

I feel like I need a day off. I guess tomorrow will be a well needed rest day. I think I will go to a 3 day on 1 day off routine. Today I had a good workout for a duty day. My motivation is still very high but I tend to over do it. I do not want to work too hard. I know rest days are a necessity I just want to workout all the time. I am also still eating very well, I am keeping to my diet and eating right. I did have a cheat meal last night, but that is ok every week or so.

Workout - Chest and arms

Dumbbell press (chest) 5 sets
Decline dumbbell press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
V bar pulldowns (triceps) 5 sets
Bench dips (weighted) (triceps) 5 sets

Updated workouts

15 November 2010


Smith Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Hammer Curls (biceps) 5 sets
EZ bar curls seated (biceps) 5 sets
Bench dips (triceps) 5 sets
V bar pulldowns (triceps) 5 sets

16 November 2010

Shoulders and back day

Mid row (back) 5 sets
Shoulder press (shoulders) 5 sets
Lat pulldowns (lats) 5 sets
Dumbbell reverse flys (back) 5 sets
MTS row (back) 5 sets
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs (shoulders) 5 sets
Side dumbbell raises (shoulders) 5 sets
Back machine (back) 5 sets

17 November 2010

Legs day

Calf extensions on press machine (calves) 5 sets
Leg press (legs) 5 sets
Leg extensions (quads) 5 sets
Leg curls (hams) 5 sets
Glute master machine (glutes) 5 sets
Ab machine (abs) 5 sets

18 November 2010

Chest and arms day

Dumbbell press (chest) 5 sets
Decline bench (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell flys (chest) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Seated Isolation curls (biceps) 5 sets
V bar pulldowns (triceps) 5 sets
Bench dips (triceps) 5 sets

19 November 2010

Cardio day

4.2 mile run on the treadmill, 40 min, 645 cal burned

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Body Building update

Ok, we delayed the Transformation Challenge to start tomorrow.

I am still loving the way I feel eating like this and working out regularly.
I did have a cheat meal on Thursday and did not eat that great on Friday, but I am back at it today. I had a good but short due to time constraints workout. I am standing duty so I had to go on watch, so I did not have enough time to get in a really good workout. I am still plugging along though.

0600 - EAS Myoplex shake
0800 - 1200 Nap (it was good too)
1210 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1230 - Species Crealyze
1300 - Workout

Smith machine bench press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
Bench dips with 90lbs of weight (triceps) 3 sets

1500 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1820 - EAS Myoplex shake

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Bill Philips Transformation Challenge

08 November 2010

Today is the start of our Transformation Challenge. My wife and I decided to do a challenge to kick start our body building life style.
A Transformation Challenge is not much different than what I have been doing for the last month, but I will do my best on this program and see what the results are.

0530 - EAS Myoplex Shake
0920 - EAS Myoplex Shake
1030 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1100 - Species Crealyze and EAS Peak drink
1205 - Workout

Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
Bench dips (triceps) 5 sets
V bar tricep extensions (triceps) 5 sets
Dumbbell bench press (chest) 5 sets
Decline bench press (chest) 5 sets
Ab machine (abs) 5 sets

1315 - Species shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1800 - Morning Star Farms Grillers Prime and Grillers 1/4 pounder, baked potato
2100 - EAS Myoplex Shake
2300 - BED!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Plugging along

05 November 2010

5 hours of sleep, much better than yesterdays 1.5 hours, but not enough for building muscle.
Today is shoulders and back day with some abs thrown in.

0600 - Hydroxycut Hardcore
0615 - Muscle Milk shake
0900 - EAS Myoplex shake packets X2
1115 - Species shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1125 - Species Crealyze and AdvoCare Spark
1230 - Hydroxycut Hardcore
1235 - Workout at lower Base Gym on Subase Bangor

Feel good today just are a little sore in the legs.

MTS High row (back) 5 sets
Lat pull downs (lats) 5 sets
Seated row (back) 5 sets
Back extensions (back) 5 sets
Dumbbell reverse flys (back) 5 sets
Ab machine (abs) 5 sets
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs (shoulders) 5 sets

1345 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1530 - Hydroxycut Hardcore
1630 - EAS Myoplex Shake
2000 - Pasta with Alfredo sauce Cheat meal.

One month measurements (well 26 days actually, but close enough)

Start: 189   Now: 183  Difference: -6 lbs

Start: 41   Now: 41.5   Difference: +0.5

Start: L 12.75 R 12.5   Now: L 12.75 R 12.75   Difference: L 0 R +0.25

Start: 45   Now: 46.5   Difference: +1.5

Start: 41.5   Now: 40.5   Difference: -1

Start: 37.5   Now: 36   Difference: -1.5

Start: L 24.75 R 24.75   Now: L 24.5 R 24   Difference: L -0.25 R -0.75

Start: L 15.25 R 15.25   Now: L 15 R 15   Difference: L -0.25 R -0.25

Start: L 11 R 11   Now: L 11.25 R 11.25   Difference: L +0.25 R +0.25

Start: 15.25   Now: 14.75   Difference: -0.5

Rib cage:
Start: ?   Now: 38   Difference: 0

Start: L 6.5 R 6.5   Now: L 6.5 R 6.5   Difference: L 0 R 0

So overall I am not impressed with a month of hard work and serious dietary changes. I guess I am getting there, I just thought there would be more changes in my body. I am loving the inch and a half off of my waist and the loss of 6 pounds overall. I will keep going, I know I will get there some day.

Before pics:

1 Month along progress pics:

Not bad, but I have a long ways to go!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Very tired today 1.5 hours sleep, but still going

04 November 2010

1.5 hours sleep! We were up all night with our little one and etc...

Hoping to have a good day and just to make it through work and my workout.

0545 - AdvoCare Slam (Really tired and hope this helps get me going)
0600 - Hydroxycut Hardcore
0630 - EAS Myoplex Shake
0900 - 4 egg and veggie omelet no cheese
1045 - Species Crealyze and AdvoCare Spark
1115 - Workout

Dumbbell press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Weighted bench dips (tricep) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
V bar Tricep pulldowns (triceps) 5 sets
Seated bicep cable pulls (biceps) 5 sets

1300 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1305 - Hydroxycut Hardcore
1600 - EAS Myoplex shake
1900 - Cheese casadilla (I know not good, but hey I have been working hard)
2200 - EAS Myoplex Shake

Leg and ab workout day and Navy PRT!

03 November 2010

0600 - EAS Slam
0630 - 2nd to last Navy PRT (Physical Readiness Test), 77 sit ups, 67 push ups and the mile and a half run in 10:31, not bad, but not that great either.
0800 - EAS Myoplex Shake
1145 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1148 - Species Crealyze and AdvoCare Spark
1225 - Workout

Leg press (legs) 5 sets
Leg extensions (legs) 5 sets
Calf Raises (calves) 5 sets
Glute Master machine (legs) 5 sets
Ab Machine (abs) 5 sets

1315 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1615 - EAS Myoplex Shake
1815 - Can of chicken breast with pesto sauce on whole wheat bread
2030 - EAS Myoplex Shake
2300 - EAS Myoplex Shake
0300 - EAS Myoplex Shake


Working out back and shoulders

02 November 2010

0530 - EAS Myoplex Shake
0830 - Muscle Milk Light Shake
1157 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1158 - Species Crealyze and AdvoCare Spark
1230 - Workout

Seated Row (back) 5 sets
Seated back extensions (back) 5 sets
Lat pull down (lats) 5 sets
Dumbbell shoulder shrugs (shoulders) 5 sets
MTS high row (back) 5 sets

1315 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1700 - Canned white meat chicken, black beans and chilies with hot sauce
2000 - Banana, Muscle Milk Light shake

Monday, November 1, 2010

3 weeks into my new life!

01 November 2010

Well today is the end of 3 weeks of my new bodybuilding lifestyle. I love it so much. I have definitely noticed a loss of weight even though I have muscle growth also.
I have come to know that food and diet is a very big part of being success full as a bodybuilder.
I am one week away from taking my one month progress pictures and measurements, I am really looking forward to seeing how much my body has changed in only one month.

0730 - 4 egg and veggie scramble
1030 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1, Carbolyze X1
1030 - Species Crealyze and AdvoCare Spark
1115 - Workout

Dumbbell bench press (chest) 5 sets
Decline bench press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell flys (chest) 5 sets
Incline bench press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (biceps) 5 sets
Hammer curls (biceps) 5 sets
Bench dips with weight (triceps) 5 sets
V bar triceps extensions (triceps) 5 sets
Bicep curl machine (biceps) 3 sets

Felts great today during the workout. The pre-workout supplements I take really do the trick, they allow me to get really good pumps in and to really push it. I have great energy during workouts!

1230 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2, Carbolyze X1
1500 - Muscle Milk Light Shake

Shoulders, Back and abs day

28 October 2010

Feeling good today. I am going to isolate these muscle groups for the first time today, wish me luck!

0645 - 4 eggs scrambled
1015 - Muscle Milk Light shake
1030 - AdvoCare Spark and Species Crealyze
1100 - 1230 - Workout

Seated row (back) 5 sets
Lower back extensions (back) 5 sets
Lat Pull downs (lats) 5 sets
Bent over reverse flys (back) 5 sets
Ab machine (abs) 5 sets
Dumbbell Shoulder shrugs (shoulders) 5 sets
MTS High row machine (back) 5 sets

Great workout, I enjoyed working these areas. I look forward to incorporating this workout group to my routine.

1235 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1/Carbolyze X1
1615 - 1 1/2 chicken breasts with a little bit of pesto sauce for flavor, I know it is not a good choice, but come on I needed a little different flavor and I LOVE pesto! It is my single favorite food!
1930 - EAS Myoplex Shake
2225 - EAS Myoplex Light Shake

29 October 2010

Got too busy with life and the kids...

30 October 2010

Cheat day, no data...

31 October 2010

Now this will be the LAST time I go more than 1 day between workouts! I feel like crap and will not repeat this ever again! I will not let life happen enough to prevent workouts, there is always time to get in a good workout. I just need to make sure it happens.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Chest and arm workout day

27 October 2010

Well today is chest and arms day. I love this day it is my favorite. I know that every part of the body is just as important as all the others, this is just my favorite area to work.
Today is also another 24 hour duty day in the Navy. I am stuck at work and away from my family which sucks, but oh well only 9 more months until I will be retired from the Navy! WooHoo!
On to the diet and workout log.

0510 -  Muscle Milk Vanilla Shake
0810 - Muscle Milk Vanilla Shake
1100 - Grilled Chicken breast and steamed broccoli
1400 - Muscle Milk Vanilla Shake
1530 - Advocare Spark (Pick me up for pre-workout)
1540 - Species Crealyze (pre-workout creatine)
1555 - Workout

Today I do feel a little achy in my chest and bicep areas.

Smith bar bench press (chest) 5 sets
Incline Smith bench press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell Decline press (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell curls (bicep) 5 sets
Hammer curls (bicep) 5 sets
Bench dips (triceps) 5 sets
Standing Tricep push downs, with V bar (triceps) 5 sets
Seated single arm dumbbell curls (bicep) slow with good contraction done to failure each set. 10 sets

The Advocare Spark really helped get me going today. My workout started out really slow and it took until the Spark kicked in to really get into the workout hard core. This stuff really works well.

1730 - Species Shake (Isolyze/Carbolyze)
2030 - Grilled chicken breast and steamed broccoli
2230 - Muscle Milk vanilla shake
2300 - bed time! Good night!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lower body day

26 October 2010 

Feel good today, ready for a pumped up lower body day! I am really loving this life style! I cannot say enough about it.

0800 - 2 Egg omelet with veggies
1020 - EAS Myoplex Shake
1022 -  Species Crealyze
1100 - Workout at lower base gym at Submarine Base Bangor Washington State.

Leg Press (legs) 6 sets
Leg Extensions (legs) 6 sets
Calf Raises (legs) 6 sets
Glute Master Machine (legs) 6 sets
Ab Machine Straight (abs) 6 sets
Ab Machine Sides (abs) 6 sets per side
Lower Back Machine (back) 6 sets
Mid Row Machine (back) 6 sets

1245 - Post workout Species Shake - Isolyze X2/Carbolyze X1
1455 - Muscle Milk light shake
1700 - Taco Bell Chicken fresco burrito no cheese no sour cream
2015 - 4 hard boiled egg whites and 2 whole eggs

Monday, October 25, 2010

Chest and Arms day

I am definitely not ever taking 2 days off in a row again. I love the way I feel today, especially after my workout. I had a great chest and arms workout today. I am eating right and working out and it feels great.
I have already begun to notice a change in my body after only 2 weeks.
I still have not experienced any noticeable soreness after working out since I started taking Species Crealyze!

0800 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1100 - Species Isoylze Protein Isolate Shake
1100 - Species Crealyze
1115 - 1235 Workout

Dumbbell Press (chest) 6 sets
Incline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 6 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Dumbbell Curls (biceps) 6 sets
Hammer Curls (biceps) 6 sets
Bench Dips (tricep) 6 sets
Bar Pulldowns (tricep) 6 sets

1245 -  Species Shake - Isolyze/Carbolyze
1515 - Premier Nutrition Chocolate Shake
1830 - Grilled Chicken breast and steamed broccoli
2135 - EAS Myoplex Shake

Cheat day

So I took Saturday and Sunday off. I had a cheat meal on Saturday but ate healthy on Sunday. I hate the way I feel when I miss 2 days in a row. I will not let that happen again.
I am back on today though and will post up today's info in another post.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Awesome workout today!

0600 - Premier Nutrition Chocolate Shake
0900 - 3 Egg and veggie omelet
1045 - Species Crealyze
1120 - Upper body workout

Dumbbell Press (chest) 6 sets
Incline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 6 sets
Narrow grip dips on machine (triceps) 6 sets
Bench dips with dumbbell (triceps) 6 sets
Pull downs with rope (triceps) 6 sets
Dumbbell Curls (bicep) 6 sets
Hammer Curls (bicep) 6 sets

1245 - Species Shake - Isolyze/Carbolyze
1500 - Premier Protein Shake
1915 - Grilled chicken breast with portion of veggies.

Today was a GREAT workout! I felt great, pumped up and loving it! I absolutely love this life style and how it makes me feel. Thanks goes out to my wife for bringing the idea up!

The Species products are awesome! I have not had hardly any soreness and have had great workouts since I started their products.

My first posing suit came in the mail while I was on duty yesterday, I will try it on tonight. I know I will feel very self conscious wearing it.

Make due day on duty

21 October 2010

If any of you do not know it yet I am in the US Navy, which means every now and then I have to stand a 24 hour duty day. So for my lower body workout today I had to make due with the equipment that my Command has at its location.

0630 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1000 - Grilled chicken breast with Franks Red Hot and sauteed green beans with onions and peppers.
1100 - While on watch I was able to do some calf raises.
  • Angled in Calf Raises 1 set of 30 reps
  • Regular Calf Raises 1 set of 30 reps
  • Angled out Calf Raises 1 set of 30 reps
  • Angled in Calf Raises 3 sets of 25 reps
  • Regular Calf Raises 3 sets of 25 reps
  • Angled out Calf Raises 3 sets of 25 reps
  • Squats with no weight 2 sets of 30 reps
1330 - Species Isolyze Protein Shake
1530 - Species Crealyze
1530 - EAS Myoplex Chocolate Mint shake
1615 - Lower Body workout

Squat (legs) 6 sets
Leg extensions (legs) 3 sets
Lat pull downs (lats) Unknown weight due to the markings worn off. 6 sets
Calf Raises (legs) 6 sets

1745 - Species Shake Isolyze/Carbalyze
2100 - Premier Nutrition Shake

So today was a pretty good day considering all that I had to do for duty. I still got in my workout and managed to stay on track!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Really getting into the groove!

20 October 2010

0730 - Premier Protein Chocolate Shake
1025 - Species Crealyze
1030 - EAS Soy Chocolate Shake
1115 - Upper Body Workout

Dumbbell Press (chest) 6 sets
Incline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Machine Fly (chest) 6 sets
Seated Dips - Narrow grip (Triceps) 6 sets
Bench dips (Triceps) 6 sets
Tricep pull downs with rope (Triceps) 6 sets
Dumbbell curls (Bicep) 6 sets
Hammer Curls (Biceps) 6 sets

1250 - Species Shake - Isolyze/Carbalyze
1530 - Premier Protein Shake
1830 - Soy protein marinara with pene pasta

Lower body day finally!

19 October 2010

0830 - Premier Protein Chocolate Shake
1030 - Species Isolyze
1115 - Lower Body Workout

Incline sit ups - set of 30
Leg Lifts - set of 10
Incline sit ups - set of 10
Leg lifts - set of 10

Back raises (back) 3 sets
Ab Twists (abs) 4 sets
Leg Press (legs) 6 sets
Leg Extensions (legs) 5 sets
Seated ab curls (abs) 5 sets
MID Row (Back) 5 sets
Glute Master leg extensions (legs) 5 sets
Calf Raises (calves) 5 sets

1230 - Species Shake - Isolyze X2 scoops/Carbalyze X1 scoop
1510 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1920 - Subway chicken sandwich on whole wheat bread and veggies, no cheese! Foot long
2210 - Grilled chicken breast

Great first lower body workout! I am really loving this stuff!

Good day after 2 days off the program

18 October 2010

No soreness to report from any previous workouts. Well a tiny little bit to know that I did workout.

0700 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1035 - Species Crealyze
1135 - Upper Body

Incline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Hammer Curls (bicep) 6 sets
Lat Pull downs (lats) 6 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 6 sets
Standing Curls (bicep) 6 sets
Seated Arm Extensions (Triceps) 3 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 3 sets
Seated Dip with weight (Triceps) 6 sets

1230 - Species Shake - Carbalyze X1 scoop (Fruit Punch)/Isolyze X1 scoop (Vanilla Ice Cream)
1510 - Premier Nutrition Chocolate Shake
1720 - 24 oz canned chicken breast with Franks Red Hot
2115 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake

Great day and good workout! I love this new life style. I know I will be ready for my first competition in a year!

Back on track

15 October 2010

0740- Muscle Milk Vanilla Creme Shake
1040 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1230 - Species Crealyze
1300 - Upper Body Workout

Incline Crunches (abs)
  • 1 set of 20 reps
Leg Lifts (abs)
  • 1 set of 10 reps
Incline Crunches (abs)
  • 1 set of 15 reps
Leg Lifts (abs)
  • 1 set of 8 reps
Incline Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Lat Pull downs (lats) 5 sets
Hammer Curls (bicep) 6 sets
MTS Row Machine (back) 5 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell Press (chest) 4 sets
Lat Pull down (lats) 4 sets
Dumbbell Curls (bicep) 4 sets

1400 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1(Vanilla Ice Cream)/Carbalyze X1(Fruit Punch)
1700 - Premier Protein Chocolate Shake
2000 - 2 Grilled chicken breasts with Franks Red Hot sauce.

Weak Day

14 October 2010

Today I just did not get my motivation going and was busy at home. I managed to do a little, but not much.

1200 - EAS Soy Protein Chocolate Shake
1500 - 12.5 oz canned chicken breast
1530 - kind of workout

Wide Grip Dips
  • 5 sets of 10
Sit ups
  • 2 sets of 20
Bench Dips
  • 2 sets of 12
  • 1 set of 10
The end. Sorry for the bad day.

Cheat day

13 October 2010

No entries today due to my first cheat day.
I do feel good though from my workouts, no soreness. I love the Species products!

12 October 2010 Day 2

I decided to have another upper body day because that is where I need the most work (well my belly is the real area that needs the most work).

No soreness from yesterdays workout.

0830 - Species Crealyze (Creatine)
0900 - 0930 Run 2.4 miles
0945 - Workout

Seated Dumbbell Press 5 sets
Crunches with Dumbbell 6 sets
Dumbbell Press 6 sets
Bench Dips (no weight) 4 sets
Hammer Curls 6 sets
Dumbbell Curls 4 sets

1030 - Species Shake - Species Carbalyze X1 scoop (Fruit Punch) and Species Isolyze X1 scoop (Vanilla Ice Cream).
1330 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1700 - 12.5 oz canned chicken breast with Franks Red Hot
2100 - Grilled chicken breast, steamed green beans

First day of my new life!

11 October 2010

Upper body day.

1000 - Species Crealyze (Creatine taken 30 min to one hour prior to working out)
1015 - 1045 Run 2.4 miles
1100 - Upper Body Workout

Dumbbell Press (Chest) 6 sets
Bench Dips (Triceps) 4 sets
Dumbbell Fly (Chest) 6 sets
Seated Arm Extensions (Triceps) 5 sets
Seated Dumbbell Curls (Bicep) 4 sets
Hammer Curls (Bicep)5 sets

1200 - EAS Chocolate Soy Protein Shake with water
1430 - 9 oz Canned chicken breast
2000 - 12.5 oz Canned chicken breast with Franks Red Hot sauce and a Banana.
2300 - Species Shake - Species Isolyze (Vanilla Ice Cream flavor) X1 scoop and Species Carbalyze (Fruit punch flavor) X1 scoop.

Good workout even though it was kind of weak. It is a start...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

My starting point

Here are my starting measurements. I will not be here for long I can promise that!
I just wish I had not waited until I am 37 years old to get into body building.
My body fat number may not be right, I got it off of a website. I am going to go in very soon and have it done for real.


My starting pics, I know I am fat and gross!

Body Building

My wife and I just decided to get into the sport of Body Building so this blog will track our progress.
We will post up progress numbers and pics, workout routines, supplement information, nutrition, etc...
I started this new path in my life on 11 October 2010.