Thursday, October 21, 2010

Back on track

15 October 2010

0740- Muscle Milk Vanilla Creme Shake
1040 - Muscle Milk Light Chocolate Shake
1230 - Species Crealyze
1300 - Upper Body Workout

Incline Crunches (abs)
  • 1 set of 20 reps
Leg Lifts (abs)
  • 1 set of 10 reps
Incline Crunches (abs)
  • 1 set of 15 reps
Leg Lifts (abs)
  • 1 set of 8 reps
Incline Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Decline Bench Press (chest) 5 sets
Lat Pull downs (lats) 5 sets
Hammer Curls (bicep) 6 sets
MTS Row Machine (back) 5 sets
Dumbbell Fly (chest) 5 sets
Dumbbell Press (chest) 4 sets
Lat Pull down (lats) 4 sets
Dumbbell Curls (bicep) 4 sets

1400 - Species Shake - Isolyze X1(Vanilla Ice Cream)/Carbalyze X1(Fruit Punch)
1700 - Premier Protein Chocolate Shake
2000 - 2 Grilled chicken breasts with Franks Red Hot sauce.

1 comment:

  1. ROCK ON, Brown Eyes! We are a team, we have a vision, we will succeed! Divide and Conquer!! :)


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